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  • connectors

Logto product updates

It's time for a new Logto release! This update brings 5 new social connectors, and some bug fixes.


Stop wasting weeks on user auth
Launch secure apps faster with Logto. Integrate user auth in minutes, and focus on your core product.
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Product screenshot

New connectors:

  • X (Twitter) social connector
  • Slack social connector
  • LinkedIn social connector
  • Line social connector
  • Amazon social connector

Bug fixes

  • cb2610: fix cli add offical connectors command missing connectors bug Fix the bug when running the cli commend logto connectors add --official, only 8 connectors are fetched from npm registry. This fix update logic to query additional pages of results when fetching connectors from the npm registry.

  • 0b785e: display JWKS URI on application details page

  • e7accf: prevent i18n context contamination by using request-scoped instances This bug fix resolves a concurrency issue in i18n handling by moving from a global i18next instance to request-scoped instances.


    When handling concurrent requests:

    • The shared global i18next instance's language was being modified via changeLanguage() calls.
    • This could lead to race conditions where requests might receive translations in unexpected languages.
    • Particularly problematic in multi-tenant environments with different language requirements.


    • Updated koaI18next middleware to create a cloned i18next instance for each request.
    • Attach the request-scoped instance to Koa context (ctx.i18n) All subsequent middleware and handlers should now use ctx.i18n instead of the global i18next instance.
    • Maintains the global instance for initialization while preventing cross-request contamination
  • a5990ec57: fixes an incorrect condition check in the verification code flow where isNewIdentifier was using inverted logic for email and phone comparisons.


    • Corrected isNewIdentifier boolean logic to use identifier.value !== user.primaryEmail for email checks
    • Fixed phone number comparison to properly use identifier.value !== user.primaryPhone


    This fixes a regression where:

    • Verification codes for existing emails/phones were incorrectly using theBindNewIdentifier template
    • New identifiers were mistakenly getting the UserPermissionValidation template
    • Affected both email and phone verification flows
  • 28643c1f1: fix the email/phone identifier conflict handling logic during user registration.

    When a user attempts to register with an email/phone that already exists:

    Previous Behavior

    "Sign in instead" modal will be shown when:

    • The email/phone identifier has been verified through a verification code validation
    • Identifier type (email/phone) was enabled in sign-in methods

    This caused an issue when:

    • Only password authentication method was enabled in the sign-in method settings.
    • When users clicked "Sign in instead" action button, the API call will throw an sign-in method not enabled error. Which is confusing for the user.

    Expected behavior: Show the "Email/phone already exists" error modal directly. If only password authentication is enabled. User should not be able to sign in with email/phone directly.

    Fixed Behavior

    Shows the "Sign in instead" modal if:

    • The email/phone identifier type is enabled in the sign-in method settings and the verification code is enabled for the identifier.

    Otherwise, shows the "Email/phone already exists" error modal directly.

  • bd18da4cf: properly filter WeChat connectors by platform (Web | Native) in SSR sign-in experience settings

    Previously, platform-based social connector filtering was applied during the sign-in experience settings fetch process but not in the SSR sign-in experience data. As a result, platform-specific connectors were not correctly filtered when rendering the page using SSR data.

    This update ensures that the same filtering logic is applied to SSR sign-in experience data, resolving the issue.

    Affected connectors: WeChat Web and WeChat Native.