• release

Logto 2023 July update

Discover the latest improvements from Logto for tiered pricing, custom domains, and more.


Stop wasting weeks on user auth
Launch secure apps faster with Logto. Integrate user auth in minutes, and focus on your core product.
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We have a bunch of exciting updates to share with you this month! Let's kick things off with Logto Cloud.

Introducing Logto pricing model

Pricing model banner

In the identity market, the monthly active user (MAU) based pricing model is quite popular. However, our team had been puzzled by a mystery for quite some time: why is the price the same for users who sign in once and those who sign in every day of the month?

To address this concern and convince ourselves, we have decided to launch tiered MAU prices. Our customers will now pay different prices for each active user based on their activity. This change could result in up to 80% cost savings when compared to our competitors in the market.

Custom domain

Custom domain banner

Starting now, you have the ability to set up a custom domain for your sign-in experience and other API requests. This feature ensures consistent branding and adds a professional touch to your product. You don't need to worry about TLS certificates either, as Logto takes care of it all automatically.

Create and manage tenants

Create and manage tenants banner

As your business grows, there may be times when you need to isolate identities among your customers. That's why we're thrilled to introduce the ability to create and manage tenants. During the preview stage, each account can create up to three tenants. Once the preview ends next month, we will unlock the capacity for additional tenants.

In addition, we've included some practical features for both Cloud and OSS:


Webhooks banner

We're excited to announce the availability of the new webhooks tab in the Console! With this feature, integrating and receiving real-time event notifications becomes a breeze. As a security-focused team, Logto signs every webhook request with a unique signing key. You can also monitor the health of your webhooks to keep an eye on performance, including success rates and request times.

Improved compatibility as an Identity Provider

We have made several enhancements to make Logto even better as an OAuth/OpenID Connect Identity Provider. These improvements include:

  • Added the "Rotate Refresh Token" toggle for applications
  • Added the ability to configure the "Refresh Token TTL" for applications
  • Support for setting a default API resource

These features provide a smoother experience especially when integrating ChatGPT plugins. In case you missed them, we have published two dedicated blog posts on authenticating and authorizing users with Logto in ChatGPT plugins:

  • Implement ChatGPT plugins user authentication with Logto
  • Implement ChatGPT plugins user authorization with Logto