• release

Logto product updates

Time for a new Logto release! This month, we are bringing new features such as Arabic Language translation and full RTL support, personal access token (PAT), configurable first-screen, as well as various improvements and bug fixes.


Stop wasting weeks on user auth
Launch secure apps faster with Logto. Integrate user auth in minutes, and focus on your core product.
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Arabic translation and RTL support

  • Added new Arabic language translation to both Console and Experience UI (credit @zaaakher).
  • Improved UI layout and details to better support RTL languages.

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Personal access token (PAT)

Personal access tokens (PATs) provide a secure way for users to grant access tokens without using their credentials and interactive sign-in.

You can create a PAT by going to the user's detail page in Console or using the Management API POST /users/:userId/personal-access-tokens.

Refer to documentation for more details.

Support additional first-screen options

In addition to sign-in and register, we now enabled more options that allowing developers to customize the initial screen presented to users. These new first-screen options are:

  • identifier:sign_in: Only display specific identifier-based sign-in methods to users.
  • identifier:register: Only display specific identifier-based registration methods to users.
  • reset_password: Allow users to directly access the password reset page.
  • single_sign_on: Allow users to directly access the single sign-on (SSO) page.

Refer to documentation for more details.

New connectors


  • Supported login_hint as additional sign-in parameter.
  • Implemented well-known swagger endpoints.
  • Split translate command from @logto/cli to make the CLI small and simple.
  • Added a dedicated @logto/translate package to translate i18n phrases in Console and Experience.
  • Supported entering name while creating a user in Console.
  • Added new query parameter parse_error and explicitly set it to false to return raw OIDC error message only.
  • Added denyAccess() api to custom JWT context in order to conditionally block user token request.
  • Supported nested attribute profile mapping in OAuth connector (credit @devtekve).
  • Added hasPassword property to /users Management API response.
  • Added user password information in user details. Admin can easily check if a user has set password or not, and can then perform set/reset action accordingly.
  • Added new management API to check password against current password policy settings.

Bug fixes

  • Prevented potential error caused by cached identifiers across Experience pages.
  • Fixed the issue that blocked users from creating Custom JWT.
  • Fixed wecom connector platform. Use Universal instead of null.
  • Set lang attribute correctly to <html> in Console, preventing unexpected browser translator prompt.
  • Allowed linking new social identity to an existing user account when registration is disabled.
  • Prevented user registration and profile fulfillment with SSO-only email domains.