  • client assertion
  • client assertion type
  • generate client assertion
  • oidc
  • oauth

What is client assertion in OAuth 2.0 client authentication?

Introduces what client assertion is and provides a detailed guide on how to generate a client assertion in OAuth 2.0. It also briefly compares client assertion with the traditional client ID and client secret method, offering insights on how to choose the most suitable authentication approach.


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What is client authentication?

In OAuth 2.0, a "client" refers to an application requesting access to a resource server. Client authentication is the process by which the authorization server verifies the identity of the requesting client.

Let's explain client authentication behavior with two common OAuth authentication flows:

  • Authorization code flow: Here, the client first needs user authorization (usually clicking a consent button on a user consent page) to obtain an authorization code. Then, the client uses this code and credentials (usually a client_id and client_secret) for authentication and requests an access token from the authorization server.
  • Client credentials flow: In this flow, the client uses its credentials (usually a client_id and client_secret) to request an access token directly from the authorization server without a user authorization step.

What is client assertion?

In OAuth 2.0, client assertion is a efficient and secure method for client authentication. Compared to the traditional client ID and secret, client assertion uses JSON Web Tokens (JWT) to enhance security and flexibility, making the authentication process more reliable and informative.

JWTs are compact and self-contained, securely transmitting information between parties as JSON objects. A JWT contains claims about an entity (usually the user) and other data, including:

  • iss (Issuer): The claimant, usually the client ID, indicating who created the JWT.
  • sub (Subject): Also typically the client ID, indicating the subject of the JWT.
  • aud (Audience): Referring to the URL of the authorization server's token endpoint, showing who the JWT is intended for.
  • exp (Expiration Time): The expiry time after which the JWT is no longer accepted.
  • iat (Issued At): The issuance time, marking when the JWT was created.
  • jti (JWT ID): A unique identifier for the JWT, mainly for preventing the JWT from being replayed.

This combination of information provides unmatched security over traditional client secret authentication, adding flexibility and control capabilities.

How to generate a client assertion?

Let's demonstrate how to generate a client assertion for the OAuth 2.0 client credentials flow, the assertion is mainly applied when the client requests an access token on its behalf, without direct user involvement.

When authenticating with a client assertion in OAuth 2.0, the client_assertion_type must be urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer, and the client_assertion parameter carries the client's JWT assertion. Here's a Node.js code example for generating a JWT assertion for client authentication:

Ensure the client secret's security and take appropriate measures to prevent its disclosure.

What is the difference between client assertion and client ID with client secret?

Using client ID and client secret is the most common method for client authentication.

To learn the difference between client assertion and client ID and client secret, the best way is to see the code usage examples.

When using client ID and client secret for client authentication, the client sends a POST request to the authorization server's token endpoint with related client credentials:

As you can see, Client ID with secret is simpler, easier to deploy, and supported by almost all OAuth service providers. However, it has some limitations:

  • The client secret is transmitted in requests, making it vulnerable to interception over insecure networks.
  • The secret can be easily accessed by unrelated services within an internal network where services communicate with each other without TLS.
  • The fixed combination of client ID and secret is susceptible to replay attacks.
  • Relying solely on client ID and secret for authentication limits the mechanism's flexibility and prevents carrying more client metadata or custom information.

Should I use client assertion or client ID with client secret?

As discussed, each authentication method has its advantages and applicable scenarios. When integrating OAuth 2.0 services, choose the most suitable option based on specific needs.

Client assertion, with their advanced encryption technologies, provide data protection and support complex authentication scenarios, allowing for easy future expansion. However, due to their complexity and the need for a deep understanding of JWT and its encryption mechanisms, simpler client ID and secret authentication might be more appropriate for teams with limited resources or those looking for quick deployment.


This article discussed the application of client assertions in OAuth 2.0 client authentication, comparing it with traditional client ID and secret authentication methods. Client assertion offers enhanced security and flexibility for complex security needs but also imply higher implementation complexity. In practice, choose the most suitable option based on specific requirements and technical expertise to meet business development needs.