Integrating with Webflow

A step-by-step guide to help you integrate Webflow with Logto.
May 07, 20245 min read
Integrating with Webflow


Webflow is a SaaS platform for website building and hosting, offering an online visual editor that simplifies the process of designing, building, and launching websites with minimal code.

This article will guide you through integrating Logto with your Webflow projects, enabling user authentication seamlessly.


  1. A Webflow account with the custom code feature enabled (requires at least the β€œBasic” plan).
  2. A running Logto instance, either self-hosted or using Logto Cloud.

Integration steps


  1. Navigate to the Logto Console, create an application using the β€œVanilla JS” template or β€œCreate without framework,” and select β€œSingle page application” as the app type.
  2. In the Webflow dashboard, create a new site.

Integrate JS SDK

In this step, we'll add global-level custom code to your site. Since Webflow is a static website, we'll utilize the @logto/browser (Vanilla JS) SDK for user authentication. Since NPM cannot be used, we'll import our SDK via a CDN service like

  1. On the Webflow dashboard, hover on your newly created site, and click the β€œGear” icon on the top right corner.
  2. In the settings page that opens, find β€œCustom code” in the left navigation menu, and paste the following JavaScript code into the β€œHead code” section. You can find your app ID and endpoint URL in Logto application details.
<script type="module">
  // Import `@logto/browser` SDK from the jsdelivr CDN
  import LogtoClient from '';

  // Assign the `logtoClient` instance to window object,
  // enabling global usage in other pages
  window.logtoClient = new LogtoClient({
    endpoint: 'your-logto-endpoint',
    appId: 'your-logto-app-id',

Implement sign-in

Assuming your Webflow site is running on
  1. Go to Logto Console, in application settings, find the β€œRedirect URIs” field, and input, then click β€œSave changes”.
  2. Return to the Webflow designer and add a β€œSign in” button on the home page. For the simplicity of this tutorial, we’ll also assign an ID β€œsign-in” to the button for later reference using getElementById().
button settings
  1. Now let’s add some page-level custom code to the home page. Click the gear icon on the page menu, and find the custom code section on the bottom. Paste the code below in order to bind the click handler for the sign-in button.
Edit page settings
<script type="module">
  const signInButton = document.getElementById('sign-in');
  const onClickSignIn = () => logtoClient.signIn('');
  signInButton.addEventListener('click', onClickSignIn);
  1. Create a new β€œCallback” page in Webflow, and simply put some static text β€œRedirecting…” on it. We’ll handle the sign-in callback logic on this page with the following custom code.
<script type="module">
  (async () => {
    // Handle sign-in callback logic by calling the SDK method
    await logtoClient.handleSignInCallback(window.location.href);

    // Redirect back to the home page when the handling is done
  1. Now, you can test the sign-in flow by deploying your Webflow site. After deployment, the β€œSign in” button should appear on your home page. Click it to navigate to the sign-in page hosted by Logto. After signing-in, you will be redirected first to the β€œCallback” page, where you can see the β€œRedirecting…” text, and then back to your home page.

Implement sign-out

  1. In Logto Console, locate β€œPost logout redirect URIs” in the application settings, and input your Webflow site URL
  2. Return to the Webflow designer, and add a β€œSign out” button on your home page. Similarly, assign an ID β€œsign-out” to the button, and add the following code to the page-level β€œCustom code”.
const signOutButton = document.getElementById('sign-out');
const onClickSignOut = () => logtoClient.signOut('');
signOutButton.addEventListener('click', onClickSignOut);

Handle authentication status

In Logto SDK, generally we can use logtoClient.isAuthenticated() method to check the authentication status, if the user is signed in, the value will be true; otherwise, it will be false.

In your Webflow site, you can also use it to programmatically show and hide the sign-in and sign-out buttons. Apply the following custom code to adjust button CSS accordingly.

const isAuthenticated = await logtoClient.isAuthenticated(); = isAuthenticated ? 'none' : 'block'; = isAuthenticated ? 'block' : 'none';

Fetch username and display a welcome message

  1. Add a flex container with ID β€œcontainer” on the home page, and insert a β€œHeading 1” element within the container with ID β€œusername”.
  2. Automatically fetch userinfo after successfully signing in, replace the username in β€œHeading 1” element, and display the container. We can do this with the following custom code.
const container = document.getElementById('container'); = isAuthenticated ? 'flex' : 'none';

if (isAuthenticated) {
  (async () => {
    const user = await logtoClient.fetchUserInfo();
    username.innerText = 'Welcome back: ' +;

Checkpoint: Test your application

Now, test your Webflow site:

  1. Deploy and visit your site URL, the sign-in button should be visible.
  2. Click the sign-in button, the SDK will initiate the sign-in process, redirecting you to the Logto sign-in page.
  3. After signing in, you will be redirected back to your site, seeing the username and the sign-out button.
  4. Click the sign-out button to sign-out.


This tutorial has walked you through integrating Webflow with Logto. By using the @logto/browser SDK, you can easily integrate user authentication into any of your Webflow sites with just a few steps.

Please refer to the full Webflow integration guide on our documentation site for further details, such as fetching JWT access token and handling RBAC (Role-based access control), etc.

The Webflow demo can be found here in read-only mode, and the deployed site is available at